About Us
Unite and support Montana’s community-based conservation networks to promote healthy and productive watersheds
A Montana where watersheds and communities are healthy, productive, and thriving

Who We Are:
Montana is a special place – blessed with clean water, family farms and ranches, rich wildlife habitat, and people who work together with mutual respect. This heritage helps our state prosper and supports our way of life. But Montana’s landscape is changing, increasing the pressure on our families and communities. Montana’s watershed organizations bring landowners and communities together to find innovative, practical solutions to be better stewards of natural resources during these changing times. The Montana Watershed Coordination Council is the voice of these watershed groups, connecting people and ideas across Big Sky Country and supporting Montana’s locally led conservation efforts.
MWCC has been cultivating broad-based support for community-driven approaches to managing complex land and water issues for over 20 years. We are the statewide organization representing each of more than 60 local watershed conservation organizations. Read more about our impact.

Connecting Watershed Communities
By organizing conferences, workshops, tours, and events, MWCC connects Montana’s watershed community partners, providing opportunities to learn from one another and strengthen our network
Supporting Local Conservation
MWCC supports local watershed conservation organizations by promoting capacity-building and on-the-ground projects through funding, training, and resources
Inspiring Conservation Leaders
MWCC shares stories and recognizes accomplishments within Montana’s watershed communities to inspire others and increase support for land and water conservation efforts
Our History:
The Montana Watershed Coordination Council formed out of a need for better coordination on watershed issues statewide. In 1992, a group of Montanans who recognized this need laid the groundwork for MWCC’s mission to unite and support Montana’s watershed communities to promote healthy and productive landscapes.
Three years later, Governor Marc Racicot issued a memo formalizing the vision for MWCC, whose purpose was “to create a more efficient system of cooperation and coordination among natural resource governmental agencies and organizations in Montana.” Racicot stated: “Sustaining our watersheds and ecosystems will provide lasting benefits only if constructed through collaborative, cooperative process, which depends upon the active involvement, insight and support of local residents.”
Since 1995, MWCC has met this mission through collaboration and capacity building throughout Montana, empowering thousands of resource caretakers to ensure clean, plentiful water and healthy landscapes for all Montanans.
In 2013, MWCC obtained its 501c3 status and finalized its Articles of Incorporation and By-laws, transitioning from an all-volunteer to a staff-run organization.