Matching Awards Program (MAP) Grant
National Forest Foundation
- Geographic Scope: National, must take place on US National Forests and Grasslands or adjacent public lands, and demonstrate benefit to National Forest System lands
- Funding Source: Federal funds via the US Forest Service
- Eligible Applicants: Nonprofit organizations, Tribal governments and organizations, and universities
- Match Requirements: 1:1 nonfederal cash match
- Program Areas: All MAP applications must focus on in-person community engagement, and have a stewardship component
- Project Timing: Eligible projects are no more than 18 months in duration, and start two months after the application deadline
- Letters of Support: All applications must include a letter of support from the District Ranger of each National Forest or Grassland unit included in a proposal
- Environmental Compliance: All permitting and environmental compliance work (including but not limited to NEPA) must be complete before submitting a MAP application
- Administrative: Applicant must have or be able to obtain a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) if selected for funding
An Informational webinar will be held on Monday, May 20, 2024.