Montana Coal Endowment Program Planning Grant

State of Montana
The Montana Coal Endowment Program (MCEP) is a state-funded program created in 1992. It was established to help solve serious health and safety problems and assist communities with the financing of public facilities projects. The program helps local governments with infrastructure planning as well as constructing or upgrading drinking water systems, wastewater treatment facilities, sanitary or storm sewer systems, solid waste disposal and separation systems, and bridges.
Due to the historic funding for water and wastewater infrastructure made available by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA), MCEP Planning Grants will be increased for the 2025 Biennium. In addition, the MCEP Planning Grant Program is moving from a “first come, first served” application review and award process to a more competitive process to ensure that the highest need, highest impact infrastructure planning activities are prioritized for funding. Lastly, due to the one-time increase in planning funding made available by ARPA, applicants may apply for up to four applications—one in each planning activity category.
Preliminary Engineering Reports (PER) for:
- Drinking water systems
- Wastewater treatment facilities
- Sanitary or storm sewer systems
- Solid waste disposal & separation systems
- Bridges
- Comprehensive Capital Improvements Plan (CIP)
- Incorporated Cities or Towns
- Counties
- Consolidated governments
- Tribal governments
- County or multi-county water, sewer, or solid waste districts
- An authority as defined in 75-6-304, MCA.
*The DNRC Renewable Resource Grant and Loan Programs (RRGL) is announcing a Planning Grant Opportunity for MCEP/CDBG Match Only. All applicants to the MCEP or CDBG program are eligible for funding under this grant opportunity. Funding will be provided in the order received up to $500,000 in total awards. *