The Montana Watershed and Wetland Stewardship Awards honor individuals and groups who exemplify excellence and commitment to wetland or watershed conservation, protection, restoration, and enhancement in Montana. The awards focus on inclusive and effective local collaboration, measurable results, community outreach and education, and a holistic approach to wetland and watershed health. The Montana Watershed Coordination Council and the Montana Wetland Council make these awards every other year.

Join Us
This year’s celebration full of food, drink, and conversation will be held downtown Helena in the Lobby at the Anchor G, 417 N Last Chance Gulch starting at 5:00 on March 13th.
Eligible nominees include individuals, watershed groups, Conservation Districts, Tribal agencies and entities, resource management groups, and other conservation organizations that are or have been involved in collaborative, community-based watershed stewardship activities. Partnerships and efforts not tied to a specific organization are also eligible. A project does not have to be completed to be eligible – simply describe the process and accomplishments to date. Previous award recipients are not eligible for 10 years following recognition.
2025 Award Nominations
MWCC and the Montana Wetland Council are currently accepting applications for the 2025 awards! Details and nomination forms for each award category are available in the Call for Nominations. Nominations are due by 9am on Friday, January 24, 2025.
Past Recipients
2023 Award Recipients:
- Watershed Award: Laura Nowlin, Musselshell Watershed Coalition
- Watershed Award: Ryen Neudecker, Big Blackfoot Chapter of Trout Unlimited
- Watershed Award: The Life in the Land Project
- Wetland Award: Karin Boyd, Applied Geomorphology, Inc.
- Wetland Award: The Grosswiler and Marvin Families of the Flathead Valley
2021 Award Recipients:
- Watershed Award: Ksik Stakii Project, Blackfeet Nation
- Watershed Award: Jeff Ryan, Lewis & Clark Conservation District
- Watershed Award: Heather Mullee Barber, Bitter Root Water Forum
- Wetland Award: Loren Ruport, USFWS Partners Program
2019 Award Recipients:
- Watershed Award: Jen Downing, Big Hole Watershed Committee
- Watershed Award: Tom Henderson, Montana Department of Environmental Quality
2017 Award Recipients:
- Watershed Award: Jeff Tiberi, Montana Association of Conservation Districts
- Watershed Award: Broadwater Conservation District
- Wetland Award: Larry Urban, Montana Department of Transportation
- Wetland Award: Trust For Public Lands, Story Mill Creek Restoration Project
2015 Award Recipients:
- Watershed Award: Kris Newgard, Kootenai National Forest Hydrologist, Three Rivers District
- Watershed Award: Musselshell Watershed Coalition
- Wetland Award: Wetland and Riparian Mapping Center, Montana Natural Heritage Program
- Wetland Award: Montana Ducks Unlimited, Inc.
2013 Award Recipients:
- Watershed Award: Adam Sigler, Montana State Extension: Water Quality
- Watershed Award: Arctic Grayling CCAA Management Team
- Wetland Award: Blackfoot Trumpeter Swan Swan Restoration Program
- Wetland Award: Valley Garden Ranch, Madison County
2011 Award Recipients:
- Watershed Group Award: Sweet Grass County Conservation District/Boulder River Watershed Association/Big Timber & Swamp Creek Watershed Group
- Watershed Individual Award: Joel Chavez & Tim Reilly, DEQ Remediation Division, Silver Bow Creek Restoration
- Wetland Award: Henry and Trish Gordon, Gordon Cattle Company
- Wetland Award: Flathead River to Lake Initiative Partners
2009 Award Recipients:
- Watershed Award: Yellowstone River Conservation District Council
- Watershed Individual Award: Robert Ray
- Wetland Award: Jim and Cindy Kittredge, Bird Creek Ranch and Tim Griffiths, NRCS Bozeman Area Biologist
2007 Award Recipients:
- Watershed Award: The Flathead Lakers – Critical Lands Project
- Wetland Award: Jim Stone of Rolling Stone Ranch, Gary Sullivan, USFWS and Dave Carr, TNC
2006 Award Recipients:
- Watershed Award: Upper Clark Fork Basin Steering Committee
- Watershed Individual Award: Alan Rollo
2005 Award Recipients:
- Watershed Award: Kootenai River Network
- Watershed Individual Award: Mike McLane
2002 Award Recipients:
- Watershed Award: Bitter Root Water Forum
- Wetland Award: Larry Weeks
- Wetland Award: Gordon Stockstad
2001 Award Recipients:
- Big Spring Watershed Partnership
- Upper Shields Watershed Association
- Big Blackfoot Chapter of Trout Unlimited / Blackfoot Challenge
2000 Watershed Stewardship Award Recipients:
- Careless Creek Watershed
- Green Mountain Conservation District
- Sage Creek Watershed Alliance
2000 Wetland Stewardship Award Recipients:
- Mary Bradshaw – H2-O Ranch, Helmville
- Brian Maiorano – Missoula County Floodplain Administrator
1999 Watershed Stewardship Award Recipients:
- Big Hole Watershed Committee
- Sun River Watershed