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Montana Watershed Coordination Council | P.O. Box 1416 Helena, MT 59624 | info@mtwatersheds.orgClick Here to Sign-up for our Watershed Newsletter


The MWCC Watershed Resource Library is a curated source of information on topics related to watershed health and organizational capacity. It includes technical resources (under the Watershed Conservation Resources tab) and resources for organizational resilience (under the Capacity & Organizational Resources tab). The filter, sort, and search functions can be used to narrow down the list of resources based on categories and keywords. 

In addition to specific resources included in the library, the following websites (Additional Nonprofit Resources) host additional information relevant to local watershed conservation work and nonprofits. 

Featured Resource! Blackfoot Challenge’s Watershed Stewardship Guide

Biological Information MT Natural Heritage Program Comprehensive resources and information about Montana's ecologyMontana Natural Heritage Program
Biological Information, Mapping & GIS MT Natural Heritage Program Map ViewerInteractive map viewer with land management and natural resource map layersMontana Natural Heritabe Program
Climate Impacts & ForecastingMontana Drought Indicators DashboardA compilation of real-time drought indices including: Snowpack, Precip, Temp, Soil Moisture, and Drought MetricsUniversity of Montana
Climate Impacts & ForecastingNational Drought Mitigation CenterEducation, monitoring, and planning resources related to droughtUniversity of Nebraska
Climate Impacts & ForecastingMontana Climate AsessmentA guide to inform climate related planning efforts and actions for Montana's forests, waters, and agricultural producersMontana Institute on Ecosystems
Community ResiliencyHeadwater Economics Research on Equity in Rural CommunitiesEconomic and equality research providing data and tools to help communities direct resources to the people and places that can benefit the mostHeadwaters Economics
Community ResiliencyDisaster Recovery and Resilience Resources from the 2022 Yellowstone FloodsA list of resources shared by local, state, and federal consevation and disaster-recovery leaders after the 2022 Yellowstone floods, aimed at long-term recovery, restoration, and resilience toward future disasters. Some are specific to this event. Others may apply to any natural disaster. Together, they provide tools for medium- and long-term recovery and for preparing our communities for future natural disasters.MWCC
Community ResiliencyColorado Disaster Recovery Lessons Learned: A Guide to Plan, React, Adapt, Evolve, and Achieve the Best Possible Outcomes for our Communities and Stream CorridorsLessons learned from managing the NRCS Emergency Watershed Protection Program after federally-declared flood and wildfire disastersColorado Water Conservation Board
Community ResiliencyBuilding Community Resilience with Nature-Based Solutions: A Guide for Local CommunitiesNature-based solutions to sustainable planning, design, and environmental managementFederal Emergency Management Agency
Community ResiliencyNatural Hazard Mitigation Trainings and ResourcesNatural Hazard Mitigation trainings and resources to help water quality and hazard mitigation professionals integrate water quality issues, water resource management, and nature-based practices into state and local Hazard Mitigation Plans.U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Community ResiliencyMontana Disaster & Emergency ServicesResources related to disaster recovery in MontanaMontana Disaster & Emergency Services
Community ResiliencyMontana DNRC Disaster and RecoveryResources and funding guidance for disaster recovery in MontanaMontana DNRC
Community ResiliencyCommunity Recovery Management ToolkitThe toolkit guides you through a three-step process of organizing, planning and managing recovery, while also giving you resources from other recovery support functionsFederal Emergency Management Agency
Conservation EasementsConservation Easements FAQFrequently Asked Questions and general overview of conservation easements in MontanaMontana Association of Land Trusts
Drought, Watershed PlanningMontana Drought ManagementCompiliation of state resources and information for drought management, links to current drought conditions and drought impacts reporter, and Montana Drought Management PlanMontana DNRC
Drought, Watershed PlanningMontana Drought Management PlanMontana Drought Management Plan (2023)Montana DNRC
DroughtCSU Drought Planning Training SeriesA virtual training series on drought planningColorado State Unversity
DroughtResilience Strategies for DroughtThis fact sheet overviews strategies for helping communities become more resilient to drought, including a list of tools to help communities evaluate the costs and benefits of resilience strategies.Center for Climate and Energy Solutions
DroughtDrought Resilience and Water ConservationEPA technical brief on drought and water conservation strategiesU.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Forestry & WildfireConifer Removal Resources and Management ToolsGuides and management tools for conifer removal in sagebrush habitatPartners in the Sage
Forestry & WildfireForestry and Fire ResourcesResources on management practices, funding, education, and collaboration assistanceMontana DNRC
Forestry & WildfireMontana Forest Action PlanThe Montana Forest Action Plan serves as the all hands, all lands plan for addressing forest health and wildfire risk issues across all forested lands in the state of Montana.Montana DNRC
Forestry & Wildfire, Community ResiliencyFire Adapted Community ResourcesResources for communities to prepare for, respond to, and recover from wildfire.Fire Adapted Montana
Forestry & Wildfire, Community ResiliencyWildfire Adapted Missoula StoryMapInteractive StoryMap describing collaborative wildfire planning and implementation efforts around the Missoula communityU.S. Forest Service
Forestry & Wildfire, Community ResiliencyThe Economic Costs of Natural HazardsStudies by Headwaters Economics looking at the impacts of wildfires, floods, and climate change on communitiesHeadwaters Economics
Forestry & Wildfire, WaterProtecting Drinking Water at the SourceA guide to working with the US Forest Service on source water protectionU.S. Forest Service
Forestry & Wildfire, WaterSource Water Protection through Forestry PartnershipsResources and trainings for people and organizations working to protect sources of drinking waterSourcewater Collaborative
Invasive SpeciesMT Fish Wildlife and Parks AIS ResourcesGeneral information about aquatic invasive species management and prevention in MontanaMontana FWP
Invasive SpeciesMontana Invasive Species CouncilEducational information, resources, and funding to manage and control invasive species in MontanaMontana Invasive Species Council
Invasive SpeciesMontana Weed Control AssociationInformation and resources for managing noxious weedsMontana Weed Control Association
Invasive SpeciesWestern Montana Conservation Commission Aquatic Invasive SpeciesInformation about the commission's work on aquatic invasive species and links to additional resourcesWestern Montana Conservation Commission
Mapping & GISMT State Library GISA clearinghouse of GIS data for the state of MontanaMontana State Library
Mapping & GISMontana CadastralInteractive map viewer of land management and land ownership in MontanaMontana State Library
Mapping & GISGeospatial Data GatewayGIS data clearinghouse for the USDA Natural Resources Conservation ServiceNatural Resources Conservation Service
Mapping & GISEarthExplorerImagery data clearinghouse for the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Old and new aerial images.U.S. Geological Survey
Mapping & GISTopoViewClearinghouse for historical topographic maps. U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).U.S. Geological Survey
Mapping & GISGeospatial Data DiscoveryClearinghouse for nationwide U.S. Forest Service GIS data.U.S. Forest Service
Mapping & GISFSGeodata ClearinghouseClearinghouse for U.S. Forest Service Region 1 GIS data.U.S. Forest Service
Mapping & GISGRASS GISFree, open source GIS software provided by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo).Open Source Geospatial Foundation
Mapping & GISQGISFree, open source GIS software.QGIS
Monitoring, WaterVolunteer Monitoring Planning Catalogue Key considerations for each step of planning a successful monitoring project and highlights key resources available to help you.Montana DEQ
Monitoring, WaterMontana's Water Monitoring Program DirectoryAn inventory of water monitoring programs active in Montana. Search for programs based on type of monitoring, program goals, organization type, etc.MWCC
Monitoring, WaterWater Monitoring Resource LibraryAn inventory of resources related to water monitoring. Search for resources based on topic areas, type of resource, etc.MWCC
Recreation & TourismHeadwaters Economics Research on Recreation and Communities Research analyzing the scope and scale of the outdoor recreation economy and how communities can benefit from trails.Headwaters Economics
Recreation & TourismInstitute for Tourism and Recreation ResearchAn interactive database for travel and recreation research in Montana, with a primary focus on the nonresident travel survey conducted throughout the state. University of Montana
Recreation & TourismOne Montana's "Outside Kind"One Montana's "Outside Kind" program helps encourage responsible recreation in communities through local partnershipsOne Montana
Soil HealthMontana Soil Health Strategic Action PlanThe Montana Soil Health Strategic Action Plan provides NRCS a path toward elevated delivery of the soil health principles resulting in healthy, functioning soil as the foundation for all working lands in Montana.Natural Resources Conservation Service
Soil HealthSoil for WaterResources and information to support farmers, ranchers, and land managers across the United States who are taking steps to catch and hold more water in the soil.National Center for Appropriate Technology
Streams & WetlandsLow-Tech Process-Based Restoration of Riverscapes Design ManualA comprehensive design manual to guide low-tech process based restoration of riverscapesUtah State University
Streams & WetlandsLow-Tech Process-Based Restoration of Riverscapes (Pocket Field Guide)A condensed field guide for low-tech process-based restoration of riverscapesUtah State University
Streams & WetlandsIntroductory Process-Based Restoration ModulesA series of educational modules introducing low-tech process-based restoration methodsUtah State University
Streams & WetlandsLow-Tech Process-Based Restoration Virtual Workshop GuideOne-page guide to navigate the virtual workshop modules for Utah State University's low-tech process-based restoration resourcesMWCC
Streams & WetlandsMontana Freshwater Partners’ In-Lieu Fee ProgramInformation about compensatory mitigation for impacts to Montana wetlands and streams.Montana Freshwater Partners
Streams & WetlandsA Strategic Framework for Wetland and Riparian Area Conservation and Restoration in MontanaA statewide wetland and riparian management framework (2013-2017)State of Montana
Streams & WetlandsMontana Wetlands InformationData and resources about Montana's wetlandsMontana Natural Heritage Program
Streams & WetlandsMontana Lakes, Streams & WetlandsOverview of all Montana programs related to the US Clean Water Act.Montana DEQ
Streams & Wetlands, Mapping & GISChannel Migration InformationMaps and resources to inform managers on stream channel migration processesMontana State Library
WaterMontana DEQ's Drinking Water ResourcesA suite of resources offered by the Montana DEQ on drinking water quality and source water protectionMontana DEQ
WaterMontana DEQ Water Quality ResourcesInformation about water quality standards and regulations in Montana, including data, reports, videos and other resourcesMontana DEQ
WaterMSU Extension's Well Educated ProgramEducational resources for groundwater quality and well/septice maintenance Montana State University Extension
WaterMontana Water Rights InformationInformation about water rights in Montana and searchable water rights databaseMontana DNRC
WaterMontana Waters Clearly Connected ResourcesWater-related outreach and educational materials, including graphics, photos, brochures, and other resourcesWestern Montana Conservation Commission
Watershed PlanningMontana Stream Permitting GuideA guide on Montana's stream permitting laws and requirementsMontana DNRC
Watershed PlanningWatershed Restoration Planning Guide for MontanaAn introductory guide for developing watershed restoration plans in Montana Montana DEQ
Watershed PlanningHandbook for Developing Watershed Plans to Restore and Protect Our WatersEPA handbook with guidance for developing watershed restoration plansU.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Watershed PlanningIntroduction to Watershed PlanningA series of modules providing a framework for watershed restoration planning - develoed by the EPAU.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Watershed PlanningMontana State Water Plan and Regional Basin PlansState Water Plan and Regional Basin Plans - Compilation of Montana's water resource challenges and management opportunitiesMontana DNRC
Watershed Planning, DroughtMontana State Drought Plan and Management ToolsResources on drought management and planning; drought monitoring; and drought idicatorsMontana DNRC
Watershed Planning, DroughtMontana Drought Planning ResourcesA compilation of drought planning and drought monitoring resources for MontanaNational Drought Mitigation Center
Wildlife Conflict ReductionPeople and Carnivores Tools, Research, and Manuals on Living with WildlifeResources on coexistence with wildlife, such as wolves, bears, and other large carnivoresPeople and Carnivores
Wildlife Conflict ReductionMontana Beaver Conflict Resolution ProjectInformation about successful beaver conflict resolution in Western MontanaNational Wildlife Federation
Wildlife Conflict ReductionLiving with BeaverA fact sheet about management solutions for nuisance beaver activityMontana FWP
Community Resiliency, Watershed PlanningFEMA Map Service CenterA web portal for downloading official flood mapsFederal Emergency Management Agency
Community Resiliency, Watershed PlanningFloodplain Mapping ProgramCurrent floodplain mapping, some not yet in official FEMA mapsMontana DNRC
Monitoring, Water, Watershed PlanningWastewater ResourcesGeneral wastewater information plus Flathead Valley Septic study and risk model and septic maintenance cost-share programsWestern Montana Conservation Commission
Water, Watershed PlanningStormwater Nonpoint Source ResourcesStorm drain inventory and model project and adopt-a-drain programWestern Montana Conservation Commission
Collaborative Partnerships & Facilitation10 Tips for a Wise Hiker: Collaboration that Works Collaborating with other organizations is like going on a long hike together. Consider these tips before any collaborative venture – whether it’s a joint program, a coalition, or merger. And review them periodically while you’re on the trail. 1 page. North Carolina Center for Nonprofits
Collaborative Partnerships & FacilitationDesigning an Effective Collaborative Process Includes guidelines for developing collaborative ground rules and a work plan, as well as examples of each and a checklist. 27 pages. Public Policy Research Institute and Consensus Building Institute
Collaborative Partnerships & FacilitationField Guide to Developing Partnerships This document provides guidance on how to find common goals, effectively reach out to potential partners, and develop lasting relationships that benefit all players. 6 pages. North American Bird Conservation Initiative
Collaborative Partnerships & FacilitationMWCC Watershed Directory The MWCC Watershed Directory contains contact information for community-based conservation organizations who work throughout Montana. This includes watershed groups, conservation districts, local collaboratives, and tribal governments. MWCC
Collaborative Partnerships & FacilitationMontana Conservation District Directory Contact information for all Montana Conservation Districts Montana DNRC
Collaborative Partnerships & FacilitationRunning an Effective Collaborative Meeting Key steps and helpful tips for before, during, and after meetings. 2 pages National Forest Foundation
Collaborative Partnerships & FacilitationCenter for Natural Resources & Environmental Policy Facilitation Services CNREP offers assistance with collaborative problem-solving, facilitation, mediation, stakeholder analysis, public process design, and more. CNREP also offers training in collaborative leadership and conflict resolution and assists groups with strategic planning. University of Montana Center for Natural Resources & Environmental Policy
Collaborative Partnerships & FacilitationCenter for Collaborative Conservation at Colorado State UniversityResources to help build skills and knowledge on topics related to collaborative conservation, including building and sustaining partnerships, evaluating the impact of collaborations, equity and inclusion, and facilitation.Center for Collaborative Conservation at Colorado State University
CommunicationsCommunications Planning 101: What Every Nonprofit Needs to Know There are a lot of ways to build a communications plan. In this article, we’re going to go through the essential parts of a communications plan to help you build your most effective plan yet. Funraise
CommunicationsA Step-By-Step Guide to Creating a Nonprofit Communications Stragegy A strategy template centred around digital communications, based on many true and tested marketing best practices that will hopefully help spark a conversation in your organization. The guide details a strategy based on 5 main pillars: 1) Objectives, 2) Target audience, 3) Messaging, 4) Content, 5) Channels The Startup
CommunicationsHow to Create a Crisis Communications Plan for Your Nonprofit A crisis communications plan is a series of steps that your nonprofit can follow in case of an emergency or other unexpected event. This blog details the most important steps you need to follow when creating a crisis communications plan for your nonprofit. WildApricot
CommunicationsThe Language of Conservation: Updated Recommendations on How to Communicate Effectively to Build Support for Conservation Language and messaging recommendations in a list of easy-to-follow, broad “rules” for communicating conservation issues. 10 pages The Nature Conservancy
CommunicationsLights, Camera, Take Action! Digital Storytelling Mini-Conference for NonprofitsA video replay and breakdown of each session in this three-day conference, which includes industry leaders illustrating and explaining topics including using livestreaming, community-based micro storytelling, design for nondesigners, storytelling for crowdfunding campaigns, and more. 20-90 minutes each.TechSoup
Communications101 Digital Marketing & Fundraising Best Practices for Nonprofits A series of blogs and webinars on website design, email marketing, online fundraising, and social media best practices for nonprofits. Includes succinct articles, archived webinars, and free live webinars on specific topics. Nonprofit Tech for Good
Communications22 Free Marketing Tools for Nonprofits Brief overviews of dozens of free tools for email campaigns, online advertising, data visualization, social media management, website analytics, stock photos, graphic design, volunteer management, and more. Wired Impact
CommunicationsInclusive Communications: Best Practices and Guidelines As more and more outreach and education moves online, it’s critical to ensure that our communications practices are accessible, ethical, and welcoming to all users and audiences – but sometimes, it’s also hard to know where to begin. In this guide, you’ll find tips and best practices about a wide range of topics, from digital accessibility to ethical storytelling to inclusive language. River Network
Contract ManagementWorking With Consultants Whether it’s a consultant to facilitate organizational planning, develop a capital fundraising campaign, or help the board and staff navigate an organizational merger, professionals can often provide the expertise we all need from time-to-time to better manage our nonprofits. Here are three helpful guides intended to provide you with basic tips for hiring, interviewing, and working with consultants to ensure that your experience is productive and worthwhile. Includes sample Requests for Qualifications and contracts. Montana Nonprofit Association
Contract ManagementContract Management and Tracking Procedure Example Example of a detailed contract management and tracking process, for several different types of contracts. Includes general tips, step-by-step procedures, board roles, ideas for building and maintaining your contracting skills, and a contract documentation checklist. Downloadable Word document. ***Contract language - especially anything that changes as state and federal laws change - should be reviewed regularly - at least every couple years. This template may already be out of date by the time you access it. Blackfoot Challenge
Contract ManagementProject Contract Template Downloadable Word document. ***Contract language - especially anything that changes as state and federal laws change - should be reviewed regularly - at least every couple years. This template may already be out of date by the time you access it. Blackfoot Challenge
Contract ManagementContract Procedure Example Example of a step-by-step process for hiring contractors, including a fillable contract info sheet and additional documentation needed. Includes a section on volunteer contracts and service agreements. ***Contract language - especially anything that changes as state and federal laws change - should be reviewed regularly - at least every couple years. This template may already be out of date by the time you access it. Blackfoot Challenge
Contract ManagementProcurement Policy Example Example of an organizational procurement policy. ***Policies - especially anything that changes as state and federal laws change - should be reviewed regularly - at least every couple years. This template may already be out of date by the time you access it. Lower Clark Fork Watershed Group
Equity, Inclusion, and Justice in ConservationWhite Supremacy Culture - Characteristics and Antidotes A list of the ways white-centered thinking shows up in and often dominates organizations, along with specific recommendations for transforming these traits into more welcoming practices for all. 9 pages Tema Okun, updated from an article published in 1999
Equity, Inclusion, and Justice in ConservationDEI Toolkits TREC's in-depth, 7-part toolkit provides frameworks and guidance to thoughtfully address historic inequities while building better practices and increasing your organization's ability to work for a just and healthy world that everyone can enjoy. Each toolkit includes webinars, guides, templates, and activities. Training Resources for the Environmental Community (TREC)
Equity, Inclusion, and Justice in ConservationCentering Justice, Equity and Inclusion - MWCC Conservation Conversation with Heart of the Rockies Initiative Heart of the Rockies Initiative, a partnership of land trusts across the Central Rocky Mountains, is transforming the way they approach their external work and partnerships by focusing on Justice, Equity, and Inclusion principles within their own organization. Kali Hannon, Heart of the Rockies Managing Director; Bray Beltrán, Heart of the Rockies Conservation & Equity Director; and Emma Gjullin, Development and Communications Coordinator, shared their experiences through this process during an MWCC Lunchtime Conservation Conversation in May 2022. 1-hour video. Montana Watershed Coordination Council and Heart of the Rockies Initiative
Equity, Inclusion, and Justice in ConservationRadical Candor Provides a framework to help organizations embrace honest feedback and uncomfortable conversations as a way of caring for one another, rather than falling into the trap of “niceness” without challenging one another. Includes a blog, podcast, books you can order, and consulting services. Radical Candor
Equity, Inclusion, and Justice in ConservationDiversity, Equity, and Inclusion Resources for Conservation A large library of DEIJ resources that can be filtered by category and type. Specifically geared for the environmental and conservation communities. Avarna Group
Equity, Inclusion, and Justice in ConservationConservation for Whom? Webinar An overview of the U.S. environmental and conservation history, through the lens of equity and inclusion. Includes questions for reflection for conservation organizations and individuals near the end. 1-hour webinar. Avarna Group
Financial Management & BookkeepingQuickbooks Made Easy for Nonprofits Since 2000, QuickBooks® Made Easy™ has been teaching QuickBooks® seminars around the country for various groups, conducting webinars, providing technical support to hundreds of clients, and providing one-one-one consulting. MNA members receive a discount on this training. (see QB for Nonprofits training) Montana Nonprofit Association
Financial Management & BookkeepingAccounting Procedures Manual TemplateHas “Create an Accounting Procedures Manual” been on your To Do list for several months now? For several years? You aren’t alone. So here’s a template. Download the Word document, and everything you need to fill is in in red. So you can probably do a draft of the whole thing in 30 minutes.Blue Avocado
Financial Management & BookkeepingNonprofit Bookkeeping TestThis 21-question quiz draws from general bookkeeping knowledge and nonprofit bookkeeping and compliance matters. Use it as part of your hiring toolkit for bookkeepers and accountants, as well as for identifying staff training needs. A chart at the end shows what training is called for based on which questions were answered correctly or incorrectly.Blue Avocado
Financial Management & BookkeepingA Five-Step Guide to Budget Development - Webinar 30-minute webinar outlining the basics of developing a budget, broken down into segments. Inclides a downloadable PDF of the webinar slides, and a downloadable nonprofit budget template (along with another 30-minute webinar on how to fill it out) a downloadable program expense budget, tools for planning for different revenue scenarios, and more. Additional tools at the bottom of the page. Fiscal Management Associates
Financial Management & BookkeepingTake the Fear Out of Financial Statements Explanations of key financial statement concepts and illustrated examples of a balance sheet and an income statement. BoardSource Blog
Financial Management & BookkeepingBalance Sheet Cheat Sheet Basic explanation of a balance sheet, including six key financial indicators and additional considerations based on the varied needs of different nonprofits Propel Nonprofits
Financial Management & BookkeepingTrue Program Costs: Program Budget and Allocation Template and Resource A comprehensive overview of true program costs, including a downloadable spreadsheet for determining your organization's true program costs, a step-by-step process for gathering the information you need to fill it out, and additional resources. Propel Nonprofits
Financial Management & BookkeepingFinancial Management Resources for Nonprofits Website with a wide range of financial policy examples, financial literacy resources, and more. Includes policies on conflict of interest, gift acceptance, employee and volunteer reimbursment, executive compensation review, accounting procedures, audits, and more. National Council of Nonprofits
Financial Management & BookkeepingGlossary of Financial Terms Extensive, alphabetized financial glossary Nonprofit Finance Fund
Financial Management & BookkeepingNonprofit Financial Assessment Tool A self-assessment tool that provides a starting point for what to focus on first when building up your board’s financial literacy. The Nonprofit Association of Oregon
Financial Management & BookkeepingSample Financial Policy 1 Sample financial policy that may be used as a template Montana Nonprofit Association
Financial Management & BookkeepingSample Financial Policy 2 Sample financial policy that may be used as a template Montana Nonprofit Association
Financial Management & BookkeepingSample Records Retention Policy Sample records retention policy that may be used as a template. Montana Nonprofit Association
Financial Management & Bookkeeping10 Questions Potential Projects Should Ask a Fiscal SponsorThe resource name says it all!National Network of Fiscal Sponsors
Financial Management & BookkeepingFiscal Sponsorship - Doing it Right!Basics of fiscal sponsorship, including the differences between fiscal agency and fiscal sponsorship, and different fiscal sponsorship models.Council on Foundations
Fundraising & Grant ManagementIntroduction to Fundraising Planning - Webinar This 55-minute webinar walks through 6 steps to developing a fundraising plan. It includes tips on diversifying your organization's fundraising base and creating a plan of action. Pro tip: Jump in at 2:50 to skip the Candid promo and get to the presentation itself. Candid
Fundraising & Grant ManagementHow to Systemize Your Fundraising Includes four components of a good fundraising system and an example. Candid
Fundraising & Grant Management101 Digital Marketing & Fundraising Best Practices for Nonprofits A series of blogs and webinars on website design, email marketing, online fundraising, and social media best practices for nonprofits. Includes succinct articles, archived webinars, and free live webinars on specific topics. Nonprofit Tech for Good
Fundraising & Grant Management Diversify Your Nonprofit's Funding Sources Fundraising ideas and links to fundraising tools, recorded webinars, and TechSoup's Fundraising for Nonprofits series. TechSoup
Fundraising & Grant Management How Partnerships Help Nonprofits Stand Out in the Race for Funding This article provides steps and a three-page worksheet to help you form effective fundraising partnerships, focusing on on corporate and business partnerships. Blue Avocado
Fundraising & Grant ManagementMWCC Funding Opportunities Page List of current grants available for conservation work in Montana, updated at least bi-weekly Montana Watershed Coordination Council
Fundraising & Grant ManagementMontana DNRC Training & Education Page Under Resources for applicants, click on Help with Grant Writing to find: 1) A Grant Writing Tips Sheet; 2) Grant Strategy webinar and slides; 3) Writing Purpose and Need webinar and slides; 4) Public Involvement, Support, and Permitting webinar and slides; 5) And more! Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
Fundraising & Grant ManagementMatch and Leveraged Funding for Grants - MWCC Conservation Conversation with Christine Brissette of Trout Unlimited. Recording and Slides. Presentation and discussion on creative ways to come up with match funding for your grants, including cash, in-kind, federal, and nonfederal. 1-hour recording and slides. Montana Watershed Coordination Council and Christine Brissette of Trout Unlimited
Fundraising & Grant ManagementValue of a Volunteer Hour Average value of a volunteer hour. Scroll down to see state-by-state data. Independent Sector
Fundraising & Grant ManagementHow to Use for Federal Grants. Recording and Slides. This 36-minute webinar and accompanying slides helps familiarize viewers with the website and provides an overview of how to submit a federal grant application. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation WaterSMART Program
Fundraising & Grant Entity Registration Training for Federal GrantsRegistration in the System for Award Management (SAM) is required for all entities applying for federal funding. This 14-minute webinar provides step-by-step guidance on registering your entity in SAM.U.S. Small Business Association
Fundraising & Grant ManagementWorkLife Podcast An organizational psychologist explores the science of making work not suck. Topics cover a wide range of workplace issues, including leadership, flexibility, perfectionism, conflict, mental health, building an inclusive workplace, work relationships, and more. TED Talks and Adam Grant
Human Resources
2024 Nonprofit Wage and Compensation Survey and Report
The study will compare data across the region, but the report will also be broken down by state and organization size to provide the best data for your organization. Whether your nonprofit is looking to hire, or is building equitable pay bands – the report will get you the data you need to ensure you’re compensating competitively. MNA members who contribute survey responses will receive the resulting report for FREE. For members who don’t take the survey, the report will be available for $75. Non-members may also download the report (available later this year) for $150, regardless of survey participation. Montana Nonprofit Association
Human ResourcesHow to Prevent Burnout When You Work for a Nonprofit or Charity Focuses on how to cultivate a staff culture in which burnout is the exception rather than the “rule.” CauseVox
Human Resources10 TED Talks for When You Feel Totally Burned Out The resource name says it all! TED Talks
Human ResourcesJob Burnout: How to Spot It and Take Action Job burnout symptoms, questions to ask yourself, potential causes of burnout, risk factors, consequences, and how to address burnout when it happens. Mayo Clinic
Human ResourcesHiring Independent Contractors How to ensure someone is an independent contractor and not actually an employee, and ways to document in independent contractor relationship. Also includes three main factors for determining if someone is an employee or an independent contractor. 2 pages Charity Lawyer, with direct links to information from the Internal Revenue Service
Human ResourcesCalculating Expenses for Employee vs. Contractor A spreadsheet for calculating the full costs of hiring an employee, including salary, taxes, holidays, and benefits. Can adjust various rates within the spreadsheet to calculate your actual costs. Numbers are a little out of date, but formulas still apply. MWCC
Human ResourcesCan I Award Comp Time? Tip Sheet A succinct explanation of why compensatory time is essentially not allowed in the nonprofit sector. Montana Nonprofit Association
Human ResourcesAdvancing Your Cause Through the People You Manage: A Guidebook for Busy Leaders A 28-page guidebook for "accidental leaders." Includes "Understanding and Overcoming the Most Common Pitfalls," a Management Self-Assessment Tool, "Root Causes: Why Employees Don't Get the Job Done," tips for successful staff meetings, and more. Management Assistance Group
Human ResourcesManaging Nonprofit Employees Website focusing on some of the most common questions (and misperceptions) about employment at a charitable nonprofit. Includes helpful tips plus information about employment tax issues, independent contractors, links to additional resources, and an FAQ section at the bottom of the page. National Council of Nonprofits
Human ResourcesNonprofit Job Description Toolkit Features a wide range of sample job descriptions for different nonprofit jobs, including executive director, communications staff, development staff, program staff, and more. The Bridgespan Group
Human Resources7 Practical Ways to Reduce Bias in Your Hiring Process A vast body of research shows that the hiring process is biased and unfair. Unconscious racism, ageism, and sexism play a big role in who gets hired. This article highlights steps you can take to recognize and reduce these biases. Harvard Business Review
Human ResourcesA Culture of Inclusion: Promoting Workplace Diversity and Belonging Practices for developing an inclusive work culture and information on why inclusive practices are important to organizational health, creativity, and productivity. Business News Daily
Human ResourcesWhy Defining Your Organization's Culture Will Be the Most Important Thing You Do This Year How to define organizational culture, including questions to ask yourself and other members of your organization, and the role of nonprofit leaders. Classy
Information TechnologyNonprofit Technology Learning Center A comprehensive library of free and pay-to-use articles, webinars, and tools to help you evaluate nonprofit technology challenges and find the right solutions for you. Includes information on online survey tools, digital fundraising, donor managment systems, using specific free technology resources, project management, team management, and more. (Resources you must pay for have a $ in the corner.) Tech Impact
Information TechnologyTechSoup Discounts for nonprofits on software, new and refurbished hardware, and services including on-call tech help, managed IT services, digital marketing, website development, and moving to the cloud. Website includes articles, blogs, and recorded webinars on a wide range of IT strategies and products. TechSoup
Information TechnologyTechSoup virtual courses Paid, on-demand courses on topics including data analytics, project management, cyber security, creating engaging virtual events, choosing fundraising software, organizing your remote work team, social media marketing, and more. TechSoup
Information TechnologyWebsite Services for Nonprofits Free website assessments, cost-effective consultations, and customized solutions — TechSoup helps you determine your nonprofit’s website goals and strategy and leverage the right tools and technology to engage your followers and funders. We provide the services you need to launch or optimize your website and scale your online initiatives with less effort and greater impact. TechSoup
Information TechnologyBest CRM Software Detailed reviews for 13 top CRM software programs, a guide for how to choose CRM Software, FAQs, and much more. Aimed at for-profit businesses but applicable to nonprofits. Updated annually. Business News Daily
Information Technology22 Free Marketing Tools for Nonprofits Brief overviews of dozens of free tools for email campaigns, online advertising, data visualization, social media management, website analytics, stock photos, graphic design, volunteer management, and more. Wired Impact
Nonprofit Management & PoliciesNonprofit Insurance 101 Webinar and Slides Overview of types of insurance available to nonprofits, including required and optional depending on the type of work you do. Includes tips for choosing an insurance agent and additional considerations. 1-hr webinar. Montana Nonprofit Association
Nonprofit Management & PoliciesMNA Worker's Compensation Insurance Program This exclusive Worker’s Compensation Insurance Program is focused on controlling workers’ compensation costs and providing innovative risk management services for Montana nonprofits of all sizes. Available only to MNA members. Montana Nonprofit Association
Nonprofit Management & PoliciesPrinciples and Practices for Nonprofit Excellence Principles and Practices for Nonprofit Excellence in Montana is a comprehensive guide that sets forth principles, as well as legally required and organizationally recommended practices for all aspects of nonprofit leadership and management. 36 pages. Digital copies free to MNA members. $20 for non-members. Montana Nonprofit Association
Nonprofit Management & PoliciesBoard Governance PolicyOne of several sample documents under "Governance and Leadership" in MNA's Resource Library. Montana Nonprofit Association
Nonprofit Management & PoliciesBoard Job DescriptionOne of several sample documents under "Governance and Leadership" in MNA's Resource Library. Montana Nonprofit Association
Nonprofit Management & PoliciesSample Board Commitment FormOne of several sample documents under "Governance and Leadership" in the Montana Nonprofit Association's Resource Library. National Council of Nonprofits
Nonprofit Management & PoliciesNonprofit Board Compensation: Yes, you can compensate board members, but should you?Article about whether and how to compensate board members as a tool to reduce barriers to board participation. Some considerations are pecific to Maine law, but this is generally applicable to Montana, too. Maine Association of Nonprofits
Nonprofit Management & PoliciesFederal Filing Requirements for Nonprofits Information on how to fill out your annual 990 form. National Council of Nonprofits
Nonprofit Management & PoliciesStarting a Nonprofit 501(c)3 in Montana Links, resources, and steps to help you form a 501(c)(3) charitable organization in Montana. Montana Nonprofit Association
Nonprofit Management & PoliciesArticles of IncorporationAn example of a completed nonprofit Articles of Incorporation for the state of MontanaMontana Nonprofit Association
Nonprofit Management & PoliciesArticles of Incorporation FormA general, non-state-specific articles of incorporation form.Northwest Registered Agent
Nonprofit Management & PoliciesBylaws Workshop A two-hour workshop on the purpose of bylaws and what nonprofit bylaws should include. Recommended for those starting a nonprofit or updating their bylaws, especially nonprofit board members. Apex Law Group, Wayfind, and Washington Nonprofits
Nonprofit Management & PoliciesSample Bylaws The resource name says it all! Montana Nonprofit Association
Nonprofit Management & PoliciesSample Bylaws The resource name says it all! Pennsylvania Association of Nonprofit Organizations
Nonprofit Management & PoliciesSample Conflict of Interest Policy and Statement The resource name says it all! Montana Nonprofit Association
Nonprofit Management & PoliciesEthics Policy The resource name says it all! Montana Nonprofit Association
Nonprofit Management & PoliciesEthics Policy The resource name says it all! Minnesota Council of Nonprofits
Nonprofit Management & PoliciesConflicts of Interest What a conflict of interest policy should include to handy tips, sample policies, and more. National Council of Nonprofits
Nonprofit Management & PoliciesSample Whistleblower Policy Sample whistleblower policy that can be used as a template Montana Nonprofit Association
Organizational PlanningStrategic Planning That Makes a Difference (And That's Worth the Time) Helps organizations focus on the substance of strategic planning to make it more accessible, viable, productive, and valuable. Includes red flags that signal your organization needs more planning, how to make your mission crystal clear, how to set priorities and stick with them, and more. 28 pages. Management Assistance Group
Organizational Planning22 Great Nonprofit Mission Statement Examples List of 22 compellng nonprofit mission statements, including what makes them great and what could make them even better. Also provides key definitions and a step-by-step guide to writing a nonprofit mission statement. Donorbox
Organizational PlanningSuccession Planning for Nonprofits - Managing Leadership Transitions Includes 10 planning tips for leadership transition, an emergency succession planning toolkit, and many additional resources. National Council of Nonprofits
Organizational PlanningEmergency Succession Plan Sample A template to help nonprofits plan for unplanned or temporary leadership changes. Center for Nonprofit Advancement
Project Prioritization & DevelopmentPrioritization of Conservation Resources A step-by-step guide to prioritizing conservation projects, with examples of screening metrics and numeric ranking systems. We Conserve PA
Project Prioritization & DevelopmentExample of a Project Status Tracking SpreadsheetExample of how to track status and funding of conservation projects Sun River Watershed Group
Project Prioritization & DevelopmentExample of a Project Prioritization Matrix Example of project prioritization based on organizational strategic objectives and other considerations. Sun River Watershed Group
Project Prioritization & DevelopmentExample of a Project Screening Tool One way of screening and prioritizing conservation projects based on strategic resource concerns, resources required, partner involvement, project impacts, potential for funding, organizational capacity, and other considerations. Downloadable Word document. Sun River Watershed Group
Tribal Partnerships Tribal Water Management Videos Two films (30 minutes and 13 minutes) about water issues in Indian Country. The first video focuses on water quality and the Clean Water Act and the second is an overview of Indian Water Rights. Salish-Kootenai College and Montana State University Extension Water Quality
Tribal Partnerships Unfencing the Future A guide for building relationships among Indigenous and non-Indigenous people and organizations for working together to achieve conservation goals. Hester Dillon, 4 Rivers Consulting, with support from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Tribal Partnerships Beyond Land Acknowledgement: A GuideInformation on what Land Acknowledgments are and how we can move beyond acknowledgement to action. Scroll to the bottom of this page to see additional resources, including the Native Governance Center's earlier Guide to Indigenous Land Acknowledgement.Native Governance Center
Tribal Partnerships Native Land DigitalIncludes a map and searchable database of indigenous territories, languages, and treaties; additional resources on land acknowlegement; a teacher's guide for how to use the website; alphabetized lists of territories, languages, and treaties; and more.Native Land Digital

We thank all the organizations that have generously shared their hard-earned and personally developed procedures, templates, and other resources with the MWCC watershed conservation network.

***Organizational policies, processes, procedures, contract language, and other documents included in the Watershed Resource Library have not been reviewed for legal accuracy or potential legal liability. If you choose to use any documents or templates in this Watershed Resource Library, we highly recommend asking an attorney to review them first.

Resources and documents may also become out of date, especially those related to state and federal law. Organizational policies, processes, procedures, contract language, and documents should be reviewed regularly – at least every other year.

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