Opportunity for Professional Development Funding for
Montana Conservation District Staff and Supervisors
The MWCC Watershed Fund has funding from the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation to assist Conservation Districts with expenses for professional development opportunities related to natural resource conservation and watershed health. This may include attending trainings, conferences, and workshops on topics such as soil health, drought resiliency, project planning and implementation, organizational capacity, effective leadership, grant writing and management, community outreach and education, 310 permitting, and more.
CDs that receive funding must demonstrate how the opportunity will help them achieve their conservation goals. Funding is available on a rolling basis, depending on availability. There is no funding limit, but awards are generally no more than $500, to ensure we can fund a many CDs as possible. We also take into account financial need of the applicant and the needs of other potential applicants.
The purpose of this funding is to allow CD staff and supervisors to acquire skills and knowledge relevant to natural resource conservation and watershed health.
Montana Conservation District staff and supervisors are eligible to apply.
What is Covered?
Awards may cover registration fees, lodging, and travel costs on a reimbursement basis. The Watershed Fund does not pay for meal costs or per diem. Award amounts are typically less than $500, but MWCC does consider financial need and the reality that some CDs have high travel costs to attend far-flung trainings. There is no match requirement for this Professional Development Support, but MWCC encourages cost-saving measures including carpooling, alternative transportation, and sharing lodging.
To receive reimbursement, awardees must fill out a short reimbursement form detailing:
- What skills and knowledge they gained from the professional development opportunity
- How they will apply what they learned to support conservation in their communities
- What organizational and conservation goals this opportunity will help their CD achieve
Those who are awarded funding must also provide receipts for all registration fees, lodging, and other expenses, excluding mileage costs.
How to Apply
Submit your funding request via the online Professional Development Support Request form in Submittable. If more than one person from your CD will be attending the same professional development opportunity, please fill out just one request form for everyone attending.
If your CD has an existing Submittable account that has been used to submit previous proposals to the Watershed Fund, please login to that same account before clicking on the link above or filling out this proposal form. Do not create a new account. If you are new to Submittable, you can click here to learn more about how to set up a free account and submit a funding request using this platform.
Contact Watershed Programs Coordinator Terri Nichols with any questions. terri@mtwatersheds.org