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Montana Watershed Coordination Council | P.O. Box 1416 Helena, MT 59624 | info@mtwatersheds.orgClick Here to Sign-up for our Watershed Newsletter

Watershed Fund Project Support

The MWCC Watershed Fund provides competitive funding to assist our community-based watershed partners with implementing on-the-ground projects to benefit water quality, water quantity, natural resources, conservation stewardship, community health, and local livelihoods. The shared principles of the Watershed Approach provide a framework under which watershed organizations may successfully define and pursue the conservation goals that best serve their geographic communities. Project support opportunities vary, with different requirements for match, reporting, and reimbursement.

MWCC is currently seeking new project funders in 2024!

Are you, your foundation, or business looking to contribute to natural resource conservation in Montana?

Charitable and sponsorship gifts to the MWCC Watershed Fund provide direct funding and technical support to community-based conservation groups we support, allowing them to make significant strides in protecting our natural resources. Sign up for an informational meeting.

Current Funding: *coming Fall 2024

MWCC is excited to share that we will partner with JSI Research and Training Institute and several other partners in EPA Region 8 to create a multi-year equitable and inclusive granting process to fund Environmental Justice projects. We look forward to keeping you updated on the connections we make in bringing funding to Montana through this opportunity! The EPA’s proposed timeline shows grants becoming available as early as Summer 2024.

Funded Projects:

OrganizationProjects Title
Big Hole Watershed CommitteeMossop Bank Riparian Planting and Suenram Phase 1
Blackfoot ChallengeBlackfoot Process-based Restoration: Chimney Creek Phase II + Future Project Planning
Clark Fork CoalitionWillow Creek Beaver Conflict Resolution Project
Lower Clark Fork Watershed GroupEast Fork Bull River Revegetation Project
Musselshell Watershed CoalitionKilby Butte Bank Restoration Project
Prickly Pear Land TrustPost-Fire Weed and Sedimentation Mitigation on Sevenmile Creek
Stillwater Valley Watershed CouncilStillwater Valley Hazardous Fuels Mitigation Project
West Slope Chapter Trout UnlimitedSouth Fork Lower Willow Creek Fish Passage Improvement Project
OrganizationProject Title
Big Hole Watershed CommitteeEast Fork Divide Creek Natural Waters Storage 2.0
Bitter Root Water ForumProject Maintenance by Watershed Enhancement Team
Blackfoot ChallengeBuilding Drought Resilience Through Soil Health
Clark Fork CoalitionMaclay Ditch Fish Screen
Musselshell Watershed CoalitionTwo Dot Bank Restoration
Sun River Watershed GroupCrossing Replacement and Habitat Improvement
Swan Valley ConnectionsElk Creek Conservation Area Restoration Project

Thank you to our Funders


Natural Resources Conservation Service logo
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency logo


Please contact Executive Director Amy Seaman (director at with any questions and to discuss your funding ideas.