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Montana Watershed Coordination Council | P.O. Box 1416 Helena, MT 59624 | info@mtwatersheds.orgClick Here to Sign-up for our Watershed Newsletter

Collaborative Communications and Fundraising: A Capacity Workshop with Future West and MWCC

On Thursday, May 19, 2022, Future West and the Montana Watershed Coordination Council brought together local conservation leaders, funders, and coalition-builders to find ways to increase the sustainability and impact of our work through stronger relationships and collaborative fundraising solutions to achieve local conservation goals. The agenda included a keynote from Shawn Hill, executive director of Future West; a Community Engagement and Fundraising Panel; a Public and Private Fundraising Landscape Panel; and lots of time for connection and discussion.

For an overview of this event, see our Workshop Summary document.

We met in-person in Virginia City, with the following Workshop Objectives in mind:

  • Engage with funders to better understand the funding landscape, process, and opportunities
  • Identify ways to maintain organizational mission and vision while incorporating more diverse partnerships and fundraising opportunities
  • Effectively leverage communications to support diverse community partnerships and funding strategies
  • Develop and strengthen relationships

This event addressed needs identified during our co-hosted November 11, 2021 capacity-building peer-to-peer exchange: “Building Organizational and Community Resiliency in the New West.”

This free event offered watershed groups, conservation districts, and other local conservation leaders the space to discuss ongoing changes in our communities and to share resources for adapting and responding – while staying true to our organizational missions and visions.

You can view the Agenda and read the Peer-to-Peer Exchange Summary for key takeaways and highlights. The summary contains links to summary slides from our panelists and from break-out discussions among all the participants. You can also watch the recording on Future West’s YouTube channel. It’s saved in two parts: Part 1 is our Keynote Panel and Discussion; Part 2, “Tying it All Together” is the conversation we had as a group after our smaller break-out sessions.

This event was supported, in part, by the Western Collaborative Conservation Network.