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Montana Watershed Coordination Council | P.O. Box 1416 Helena, MT 59624 | info@mtwatersheds.orgClick Here to Sign-up for our Watershed Newsletter

Expanding Water & Drought Awareness in the Centennial Valley

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This project was funded by a Capacity Support Grant from the MWCC Watershed Fund.


The Centennial Valley is a productive, working landscape for a variety of stakeholders, including multi-generational ranching families, outfitters, loggers, and recreationists. Maintaining available water resources is critical to preserving the ecological and economic integrity of the Centennial Valley. In 2018, the CVA launched its Water and Drought Awareness Program to monitor hydrologic conditions and disseminate that information to the community to better inform water management and conservation practices. The program’s primary goals are: 1) increase drought awareness and education throughout the community to increase drought resiliency; 2) conduct and synthesize hydrological monitoring in the Centennial Valley to better understand hydrological patterns; and 3) provide support to federal, state, and NGO partners on monitoring and projects that support water resources in the Centennial Valley.

While drought is a natural part of Montana’s climate, it is rapidly increasing in both frequency and intensity, and it impacts each Centennial Valley stakeholder differently. Collaborative and adaptive planning and management are key to creating drought resilience and protecting water resources. Although the Water and Drought Awareness Program does not mandate specific management options, it provides a unique position to deliver effective water management information to stakeholders.

The Watershed Fund’s Capacity Support grant will expand delivery of water management and drought resilience information and education through our new monthly “Water Topics” publication. Specifically, the funds will support added capacity for the Field Coordinator to research, develop, and share twelve (12) “Water Topics” and host one (1) in-person “Water Topic” discussion to enhance information sharing amongst stakeholders. These topics will be an added benefit to the Water and Drought Awareness Program, informing land management decisions and facilitating future collaboration that will protect water resources, build drought resiliency, and protect the ecological and economic integrity of the Centennial Valley.

Project Outcomes and Impacts

Project in progress