Renewable Resource Grant and Loan Program Private Grant

Montana Dept. of Natural Resources and Conservation
The private water grant program is in place to support water projects funded by non-government entities such as individuals, associations, and watershed groups. The grant cycle will be open until funds are expended.
Grants are available for projects that meet the following criteria:
1. The project benefits a water resource;
2. The project is required by a government entity such as a county, conservation district or state agency;
3. Project costs are incurred before a grant agreement is signed;
4. The applicant is not a government entity
5. The applicant has not received a grant from the Private Grant Program in the last five years
1. Private water grants are available up to $5,000 or 25% of the project cost, whichever is least;
2. Reimbursement is based on actual provided receipts;
3. Reimbursement will be done on a one-time only basis;
4. Match funding includes professional services, contracted labor, and materials. Receipts will be requested;
5. The project has not been constructed yet;
6. The project must provide public benefits;
7. The project will be constructed in Montana;
8. The project will be an efficient use of a natural resource including water, energy, land, and air without diminishing the quality;
9. The project cannot be accomplished without the assistance of a loan or grant; cannot be an income property per MCA 85-1-610.