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Montana Watershed Coordination Council | P.O. Box 1416 Helena, MT 59624 | info@mtwatersheds.orgClick Here to Sign-up for our Watershed Newsletter

Increase Capacity and Community Engagement in Flint-Rock Watershed

Granite Headwaters Watershed Group logo

This project was funded by a Capacity Support Grant from the MWCC Watershed Fund.

Project Description

Granite Headwaters Watershed Group (GHWG) will convene stakeholders, landowners, and agency partners to assess critical watershed health issues and needs and to prioritize projects, including projects that address nonpoint source pollution issues that have already been identified in the Flint Creek and Rock Creek Watershed Restoration Plans. Based on the issues and opportunities identified by community members, GHWG will work with local and state conservation partners to host a series of 3-4 public meetings that are relevant to our community and increase both awareness of resource issues and access to conservation programs. GHWG will also expand upon our existing website to share information with our communities about our group and relevant conservation topics. If GHWG can create a common understanding on the history of our watershed and the critical health and environmental issues associated with it, then we can all move forward as a community to solve these issues.

Project Outcomes and Impacts

Project in progress