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Expanding the Restoration Toolkit for the Bull River

Lower Clark Fork Watershed Group logo

This project was funded by a Capacity Support Grant from the MWCC Watershed Fund.

Project Description

LCFWG researched techniques for converting reed canary grass landscapes to native vegetation as part of a long term, systems-based approach. This expanded our toolkit for ongoing restoration within the Bull River and beyond and to create a menu of options for addressing the problem that allows us to select the best method for each situation. We accomplished this by:

  • Studying articles, management guides, research papers, and other materials on the science and techniques for the control of invasive plant species, characteristics of reed canarygrass, ecological approaches to river and wetland restoration, and other relevant topics.
  • Compiling helpful resources and summarizing findings.
  • Sharing findings with partners through presentations and a Bull River projects tour.

Project Outcomes and Impacts

  • Drafted a Bull River Restoration Plan, linked on LCFWG’s Bull River Revegetation Projects page .
  • Hosted a September field trip for six members of the Idaho Master Naturalists program, a corps of volunteers that have helped contribute to Bull River revegetation efforts in the past.
  • Hosted an October presentation and projects tour highlighting research conclusions and past restoration efforts in reed canarygrass-dominated riparian areas.
  • Hosted a December 2022 MWCC Conservation Conversation titled “Restoring Native Vegetation in the Face of Reed Canarygrass.” Links to the recording and presentation slides.